Elon’s couch delivered with added benefit (video)
When Elon Musk said on TV that he was working so hard, he sometimes had to crush on a small couch in his factory, Tesla fans had decided to crowdfund a better couch for him to sleep on. Now the story developed into something even bigger.
Not only is the Tesla CEO sleeping better when working late but his ordeal has woken up people to the suffering of others.
The couch has arrived at the Tesla factory in Fremont – a Model S: 164 Sofabed – all free of charge as it was donated by a furniture store. In return, the crowdfunding money was put to good use. A total of 18,000 dollars is now going to the UK-based Renewable World charity, which offers products that aim to ease poverty with renewable energy.
The 18,000 dollars had come together through crowdfunding (8,000 dollars), with another 1,500 dollars having been collected by the Tesla club Sweden and Tesla matching both these funds.
teslarati.com, renewable-world.org (charity)