FAW-Volkswagen to launch 7 Audi EVs in China by 2020


The joint venture FAW-Volkswagen plans to roll out seven new energy vehicles under the Audi label in China by 2020. The line-up will include both PHEVs as well as pure electric cars such as Audi’s upcoming electric SUV that will also be made in China.

The Sino-German cooperation of FAW-Volkswagen has detailed how it wants to come to terms with China’s EV sales quota that will be enforced by 2019. The joint venture wants to launch seven new energy vehicles throughout 2020, all bearing the Audi label.

Among the models will be an electric (SUV) with a 500-km range, most likely the Audi e-tron, that builds on the C-BEV platform and will be produced locally in China.

Presales of the e-tron have started in selected markets in Europe while an onsale date for China has yet to be specified.



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