Andy Palmer, Al Gore

Andy-Palmer-Nissan“In 2040 there won’t be a pure combustion car, because hybridisation and plug-in hybridisation will be there with room to spare. I genuinely believe plug-in hybrids will represent 40% of the mix even by 2030, so this 2040 ban would be late.”

Aston Martin CEO Andy Palmer shares his thoughts about the UK’s plans to ban petrol and diesel cars from 2040, pointing out that the new legislation would have no effect on future trends anyway.

anonym“We have the solutions now. Solar electricity, wind electricity, batteries in electric vehicles and soon electricity from renewable sources are going to be cheaper all over the world than fossil fuels. So we’re going to win this.”

Former vice president Al Gore has not lost his optimism after President Donald Trump’s recent withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. According to him, there are lots of approaches to battle global warming.


about „Andy Palmer, Al Gore“

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