SolarStratos, Lucid Motors, Chile, Gigafactory.
Soaring with the sun: PC-Aeros now officially unveiled its SolarStratos (we reported), a 8.5 meters long plane that runs on solar-power and is fitted with a 32-kW electric drive and 20 kWh Li-ion battery. Adventurer Raphael Domjan wants to be the first to take a solar plane on a stratospheric flight. Take-off is scheduled for 2018.
Samsung SDI to supply Lucid Motors: The Korean electronics giant will supply battery cells for Lucid Motors’ first production EV, said to arrive in 2018. The two companies previously collaborated, saying they have develop the next-generation of cylindrical cells that “are able to exceed current performance benchmarks in areas such as energy density, power, calendar life and safety.”,
Lithium factory in Chile? The country’s government is allegedly in talks with Chinese and Korean investors to harvest the Chile’s lithium reserves and build a 2bn dollar lithium factory in the north of the country. Initial production capacity of lithium-carbonate is estimated at 1,000 tons – but could grow to 10,000 tons by 2018.
Bowling for the Gigafactory: Finnish harbour town Vaasa is considering throwing its hat in the ring to host the European Gigafactory. The town’s proximity to i.e. Europe’s richest lithium mines could definitely push it to the top of the list of possible locations.