SK Innovation, Tesla, California, Electrovaya.

SK ramps up production: SK Innovation wants to open its second EV battery plant directly next to the first one in Seosan, South Korea. It will cost around 190m euros and will open its doors in the first half of 2018. The yearly production capacity is estimated at 1.8 GWh, and therefore less than the originally planned 3 GWh, but will still suffice for cells for 70,000 EV batteries per year. Mercedes will also go with SK batteries starting next year.,

Tesla-Model3-300Tesla improves battery: CTO JB Straubel revealed that the batteries for the Model 3 will have a 30 percent higher energy density. That would automatically reduce costs, as weight per kWh is a factor, he said. Moreover, considering the current pace of development, Straubel does not believe that the market needs a new disruptive technology.

EV vs. FCV: Stanford University and the Technical University Munich looked at the development of emission-free mobility in California until 2035. They found that pure battery-electric are more economical, also because their cost is lower, while the technology is more energy efficient than fuel cells.

New Li-ion batteries for forklifts: Electrovaya presented “ELivate,” its new battery production line for forklifts. It uses ceramic separator technology and is said have double the lifespan of other Li-ion and even six times the lifespan of lead-acid batteries.,


about „SK Innovation, Tesla, California, Electrovaya.“

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