Fully Charged, Chevy Bolt, events.
Video tip I: In his new episode of Fully Charged, Robert Llewellyn talks to the team of Electric Nation, a project looking at smart charging solutions in order to allow the number of EVs in the UK to increase, without taking its toll on the grid.
youtube.com via insideevs.com
Video tip II: The LA Times took the Chevy Bolt on a road trip to test the accuracy of its claimed range. The reporters even had some juice left in the end, so that they could have travelled 290 miles all together.
youtube.com via insideevs.com
Events for the upcoming week: TEAM final event (Oct 18-19; Berlin, Germany) ++ eMove360° / eCarTec (Oct 18-20; Munich, Germany) ++ IZB International Suppliers Fair (Oct 18-20; Wolfsburg, Germany) ++ You can find a complete list of upcoming industry events at electrive.com/calendar