Håkan Samuelsson, Karl Schlicht, Michael Grewe.

Hakan-Samuelsson“Diesel is becoming more and more expensive. We will have to rely on an alternative.”

Volvo CEO Håkan Samuelsson predicts the end of the diesel within the next 15 years due to tightening emission legislation. Therefore, carmakers will need to rely on EVs and self-driving cars.
global.handelsblatt.com (paid content)

Karl-Schlicht“We’re on track to sell close to 300,000 hybrids this year.”

Karl Schlicht, Executive VP of Toyota Europe, proudly talks about numbers that pose a new record for the Japanese firm. So far, hybrid sales are up 45 percent compared to 2015 and Europe is Toyota’s fastest-growing region for hybrid sales.

anonym“I cannot say when the factory will be built, but we intend to have high-voltage battery production here to support Thailand’s future car market.”

Michael Grewe, President and CEO at Mercedes-Benz Thailand, is thinking about building a PHEV battery facility in the country to serve local demand better.


about „Håkan Samuelsson, Karl Schlicht, Michael Grewe.“

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