Barack Obama, Britta Gross, David Martell

Barack-Obama“We’ve seen a boom in the plug-in electric vehicle market – with more models, lower battery costs, and more than 16,000 charging stations.”

U.S. President Barack Obama in his weekly address to the nation, in which he also announced a “second round of fuel efficiency standards for heavy-duty vehicles.”

anonym“Consumers adore these vehicles. People love the quietness, the smoothness, the seamless drive. Why don’t consumers flock to these vehicles? What’s missing? What do we have to do? We’re at the point where we have a lot to do.”

Britta Gross, director of advanced vehicle commercialisation policy at GM, tries to shed light on the question why EV sales are still low despite people loving them – once they get the chance to drive one. She also calls for more infrastructure and communication.

David-Martell“This is a piece of bureaucracy that this industry, which is still in its infancy, doesn’t need. It doesn’t make any point and we want to see it dropped.”

David Martell, Chargemaster CEO, when asked if the Brexit – if it comes to pass – would prevent the UK from switching to CCS standard only. Chargemaster offers multi-chargers and all best-selling EVs in Britain use ChaDeMo at the moment.



about „Barack Obama, Britta Gross, David Martell“

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