Gareth Dunsmore, Bertrand Fleurose, John Mendel.

Gareth-Dunsmore“The tipping point is starting to happen, and it’s going to happen city by city, country by country.”

Nissan’s European EV boss Gareth Dunsmore believes that by 2020, electric cars will make up as much as 20 percent of sales in some markets – if conditions are right.

Bertrand-Fleurose“We expect to have thousands of users to use our service in 2016, for tens of thousands of rides per day.”

Bertrand Fleurose, CEO of the electric scooter sharing scheme Cityscoot in Paris, is certain that his business idea will take off. Those who have ever been to the city of lights know, there are scooters everywhere (and they are perfect for small streets). So why wouldn’t a shared model catch on?

John-Mendel“Globally we’re committed to offering a plug-in variant on our major core models in the future.”

There is not much to add to what John Mendel, executive vice president of American Honda Motor Co, is saying. Except that it goes to again show that the Japanese continue betting on PHEVs as transitional technologies.


about „Gareth Dunsmore, Bertrand Fleurose, John Mendel.“

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