Spark, Governors' Accord, Boston, Mumbai.

Re-use: Remember those telephone booths we had before mobile devices came along? Auckland found a new use as Spark transforms phone boxes into EV charging spots. Not a first, as Korea already trials the same idea. But if successful, Spark could eventually turn 3,500 booths into EV chargers in New Zealand.

The “Governors’ Accord for a New Energy Future” unites 17 U.S. governors in their strive for clean energy, green transport solutions and to modernised grids on a national scale. Together, they represent 127 million American citizens, both Democrats and Republicans.,

Hybrid buses for Boston: The Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority (MBTA) will order up to 90 diesel-electric buses for Boston. The Xcelsior hybrids come from New Flyer Industries. The contract secures at least 44 buses worth about 50m dollars as well as options for another 46 vehicles.

Hybrid buses for Mumbai: The Indian metropolis is about to assign Tata Motors to deliver around 25 hybrid buses to the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority. The Starbus Hybrid bus combines electric and CNG power and was first trialled in Delhi.


about „Spark, Governors' Accord, Boston, Mumbai.“

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