North Rhine-Westphalia, Linz, Renault, Chichester District Council.
German charging infrastructure: Half a million euros will be spend by North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, for the installation of up to 200 EV charging stations within its county borders. The initiative is part of a joint investment programme of Germany’s federal and state governments, which will kick off next year. (in German)
Fresh fleet: The Austrian city of Linz will see 20 electric catenary buses successively replacing existing ones by 2017. The Van Hool buses cost public transport provider Linz AG 20m euros. They are 24 m long, have room for 180 passengers and a range of up to 10 km. (in German)
Twizy patrol: Four Renault Twizy are now patrolling the streets of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur. They are part of a one year trial. So far, fuel savings and maneuverability during rush hour speak in the electric quad’s favour. City Hall also operates five electric scooters.
Fleet replacement: British Chichester District Council will replace seven petrol vehicles in its fleet with electric ones when their leases run out. The will be used by the parking services department and external contractors. The council hopes to save 1,000 GBP per year per vehicle.