Koei Saga, Elon Musk, Mark Hall.

Koei-Saga“It’s not that we’re not doing anything about the EV. Technically speaking, EV is a relatively easier technology. But it needs to evolve. If you’re looking for the ultimate solution, the EV probably isn’t it.”

Koei Saga, Toyota’s senior managing officer in charge of vehicle powertrain technology, compares battery electric cars to fuel cell vehicles. The latter are favoured in Japan, which aims to become a “hydrogen society.”

Elon-Musk-Twitter“In the long term, we will probably see equal or higher sales in China than in the United States. That may take five or six years. […] We are trying to put localized production in China. In the years to come, you’ll see some fairly significant partnership announcements.”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk delivers another update on the EV maker’s ambitions in China. There is still room to grow as Tesla sold only 5,252 cars in China since the beginning of the year, while delivering 11,580 cars in the USA in Q3 alone.

anonym“There seems to be a wave of disgust at Volkswagen over the emissions scandal, and it’s driving customers away from petrol, diesel, and hybrid cars, no matter what the make.”

Mark Hall, representative for British car rental firm Flexed, reports a surge in demand for electric vehicles that he believes is mainly a result of the scandal, but also due to lower operating costs. The demand for PHEVs remained unchanged.


about „Koei Saga, Elon Musk, Mark Hall.“

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