Ségolène Royal, Elon Musk.

Segolene-Royal“What I hope in five years is that one car in two will be electric. There can be real change, it’s there.”

French ecology minister Ségolène Royal on her latest announcement to extend the diesel scrappage scheme in favor of the uptake of electric cars in the country.

Elon-Musk-Twitter“It’s good that Apple is moving and investing in this direction. But cars are very complex compared to phones or smartwatches. You can’t just go to a supplier like Foxconn and say: Build me a car. But for Apple, the car is the next logical thing to finally offer a significant innovation. A new pencil or a bigger iPad alone were not relevant enough.”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk doesn’t seem to take Apple’s self-driving electric car ambitions too seriously as a threat to Tesla. In an interview with German business newspaper Handelsblatt, Musk described Apple as a ‘graveyard’ for fired Tesla employees.
engadget.com, theguardian.com


about „Ségolène Royal, Elon Musk.“

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