Ola Elvestuen, Ryan Popple.

Ola-Elvestuen“By 2025, it is entirely possible to fully eliminate cars that run on diesel and gas, and completely switch to ecological alternatives.”

Ola Elvestuen, member of Norway’s Liberal Party and chair of the legislature’s Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment, is convinced that the country needs to fully electrify in ten years. He says that right now, one third of Norway’s emissions comes from transportation.

Ryan-Popple“What really bothers us is when a city blindly re-orders 500 diesel buses. You might as well build a new coal-fired power plant right in the middle of your city.”

Proterra CEO Ryan Popple says that aside from the obvious environmental issues, electric buses are much cheaper than diesel-powered ones in the long-run, and the initial cost is dropping as battery prices decrease. That is why e-buses should already be roaming more city streets than they are.


about „Ola Elvestuen, Ryan Popple.“

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