Oil magazine afraid of Tesla, 1m km Prius taxi, Tesla Model S P85D.
Reading tip: Alberta Oil, an oil industry magazine, has put Tesla on its cover. The title: “Hell on wheels” is supported by the question if this is the beginning of the end. Well spotted, indeed.
albertaoilmagazine.com, treehugger.com
Video tips: Austrian Milan Milic owns a cab fleet of 200 hybrid Toyotas. He recently billed 1 million kilometres in a Prius taxi. For Toyota Austria, he publicly displays his love for the car in a 4-part series with subtitles.
youtube.com: part one, part two, part three, part four
Read and watch: Daniel Sparks spent three days with a Tesla Model S P85D, mainly to see if the company’s ambitious sales targets stand chance in real life at all. They do, he happily informs his fellow investors.
fool.com (with video)