Tokyo, Shanghai, Stuttgart, Germany, Australia.
Tokyo steps up H2 investment: The Japanese capital wants to pour 45.2 billion yen (385 million dollars) in the construction of hydrogen stations and subsidies for fuel cell vehicles until the Olympic Games in 2020. Tokyo hopes to count 6,000 FCVs and 35 H2-fuelling stations by the end of the decade.,,
Shanghai e-carsharing: Following a successful trial year, the Carsharing scheme featuring 350 Roewe E50 is officially under way. The Shanghai Municipal Government wants to successively increase the number of electric cars to 2,000 and also include the Zinore 1E in its offering.,
Electric taxis against fine dust: In order to circumvent an EU procedure and related penalties due to fine dust pollution, the German city of Stuttgart is putting in place new green initiatives. According to Mayor Fritz Kuhn, measures could also include a funding programme for electric and hybrid taxis., (Articles in German)
EV charging rules: Germany seeks to make the preferred CCS standard mandatory in addition to any other quick charging standards being offered, as well as a fall-back type2 fast charging outlet. Transport Evolved thinks, this is a move other countries could follow.
Traveling electric in Australia: As an EV owner, road trips are often planned based on where one can charge. As it turns out, that is not necessarily a negative thing, as the excursions of Mat Peterson, one of the first Tesla Model S owners in Australia, show. He drove some 3,000 kilometers with his Tesla in just three weeks and has some beautiful stories to tell.