Elon Musk, Tony Seba, Diarmuid O'Connell.

Elon-Musk“The Roadster had an old generation battery. We’ll upgrade it to a new generation battery pack and it should have a range of about 400 miles, which will allow you to drive from LA to San Francisco non-stop.”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk puts some concrete numbers behind the upcoming update of the Roadster (we reported).

Tony-Seba“Within the next 10 to 15 years, everything is going to change in transportation. It’s going to be the biggest transformation of transport in a century – since the gasoline engine disrupted horses.”

Tony Seba, energy expert from Stanford University, sees the end of cars as we know them drawing very near. Already by 2030, autonomously driving vehicles might have become our preferred means of transport.

Diarmuid-O-Connell“I am furious at any allegation that any public money was spent on the Supercharger network. Those sites have been paid for entirely by Tesla Motors — which continues to spend money in expanding the network.”

Diarmuid O’Connell, Tesla’s vice president of business development, firmly challenges a claim made by Hyundai. The Korean carmaker’s representative felt left alone by the U.S. government with regards to hydrogen technology.


about „Elon Musk, Tony Seba, Diarmuid O'Connell.“

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