UK, Cologne, Tesla, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries.
Underspent or over-funded: The uptake of electric cars in the UK is slower than expected even with generous incentives being available. If growth of EV sales remains at the current rate, roads minister Robert Goodwill will have to make good use of the 170 million pounds (284m dollars) unspent in the government’s EV scheme ending 2015.
Articulated e-bus: The city of Cologne, Germany, plans to order eight e-buses from Dutch manufacturer VDL by April. As they require a bendy bus currently not available on the market, the agreement expects VDL to customize their offer for Cologne’s public transport authority KVB. Before the buses can be built and go into service by 2016, KVB will have to decide if to opt for lead or lithium batteries. (In German)
Tesla pricing Hong Kong: Chinese living in the “Special Administration Region” will get their Model S cheaper than consumers in mainland China. With prices similar to the U.S., ranging from 579,000 to 657,000 HK-dollars (74,700-84,700 USD), Tesla has already received 300 orders from Hong Kong.,
New e-bus: Mitsubishi Heavy Industries will supply two electric buses to Kitakyushu, Japan. The extra light buses come with new MLIX batteries and are said to run up to 80 kilometres on one charge at a top speed of 85 km/h.